Those that know me, know I enjoy a good cold frosty Shiner Bock over a foo-foo drink, an earthy, bordering on dirty, joke, and prefer worn out jeans and holey t-shirts to stylin' Well, I'll have you know I can be found enjoying the finer things in life occasionally.
Through Geocaching we found the The Benini Studio and Sculpture Ranch and spent an enjoyable couple of hours there touring the different sculptures and the gallery. The ranch is 145 acres and has the Benini's home, a guest house and a beautiful gallery/studio/offices/library. Throughout the property large (as in giganomous!) sculptures are placed here and there for you to stop and enjoy.
The Sculpture Ranch has BATS!!!!!!
Beautiful and interesting bats,
but bats nonetheless.
....and bulls!!!!
We are safe, our hero here will protect us.
...and children can play while their
mothers dance in the sunshine
naked and free.
btw...these type entries are from a Power Point Geocaching "scrapbook" I kept when we were more active Geocachers.
Loved the onion for its form.
Loved the cross with the hills in the background.
Self portrait of my hair waking up.
Younger portrait to the right.
Self portrait of my hair waking up.
Old and gray headed version below.
My aesthetic leans toward this type sculpture more than the more recognizable types. Would love to have this sitting at the "Y" in the driveway. But since grand artwork is expensive and more so that Walt's aesthetic leans a bit more literal, I will just enjoy the pictures.
A couple more up my alley...don't I wish!
Maybe not at the Y but interesting anyway.
Hands coming out of the hill....
Creepy but so fascinating!!!!
Stopping by the gallery provided a bit of cool air conditioning and a pleasant time talking with Benini and his wife. Smaller works of art are displayed here as well as a small gift shop. Love a place that allows photography inside as well as outside.
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Window ledge |
So you see, whether you are ....
an egghead
or a block head, there is something
for everyone.
Heading out a different way, of course, we almost immediately found this jewel.
Happy me!!
Fine art does not make me "fishteecated" all by itself. I have gourmet tastes too. Close to Canyon Lake is an epicurean experience like none other you can imagine. Being in a lakeside community there is no dress code. Thank goodness, my gown is missing a sequin.
Welcome to Franks Bait and Taco Shack!!!
Every square inch of wall and ceiling are covered in "WOW".
Stop for a drink, you will need it because your mouth will be gaping as you look!
Food wasn't bad either :)
Now do you believe I am a high class lady???? The connoisseur of the arts didn't convince you? The gourmet dining surely Well, how about the fact that I am an oenophile? Nope, you can look it up.
Our friend, Ed, from Canada doing the taste test at Fredericksburg Winery.
Ed and his wife Connie outside the Fredericksburg Brewery - yummy food and good micro brewed beer.
Nahhh, I didn't buy it either, I am me....just me as I am, and I like me
with grandchildren's art work hanging on my fridge instead of a Benini (although there is wall space for that Benini), a Bracken Burger to
eat, and a cold frosty Shiner Bock. But it is fun to delve into the high life occasionally.
Don't forget to listen to those whispers along the back roads, they may lead you to someplace you didn't even know existed.
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