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Back Road Whispers is a fanciful name for just liking to travel the back roads of the world, wondering what whispers are lingering in the weathered buildings, rusty farm equipment and closed and boarded up businesses. I stop when I am able and “photograph the past for the future” so my grandchildren and their grandchildren will see what it was like back in the “good old days” of the 20th and early 21st century. Lately I have been exploring the world listening to whispers from palaces, castles, villages, and museums. The whispers need no interpretation.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Diz hear iz Marti - da Pweddy Pwezzuz Pwinzezz Puppy - Lizzun Up

Mommy is working on her trip to the Bluebonnet Festival in Burnet so she said I could show you MY girls day out with my niece Sophie, the Wonderdog!!  It's the truth you can ast her!!!  She really said I could be a bloggy doggy.  Sophie lives with my big sister and came to visit me a couple of weeks ago so I took her to a park I like and to a new park I have been wanting to try out.

 Sophie is ready for an adventure...isn't her pretty?

This is a small park on the way to the hospital and I've always wanted to stop here and walk the circle.  The sidewalk goes all the way around the park and there are lots of places to stop and "read the guest book".  We were in a hurry to go to my favorite park so we just walked the circle once and left.  We did try to say hello to a lady that was walking a dog that looked like my niece that lives at the Rainbow Bridge but she was snooty so we just left.  Oh, this is Torrey Park in New Braunfels, isn't it pretty?

Mommy said the branch she saw on the sidewalk formed a Christian fish...I didn't even know fishies went to church!!  But if Mommy says it, it is true!!

Finally we got to go to Landa Park where all the squirrels and duckies live.  Every dog in thirty nine counties has come through here and signed the guest book...lovely.

Do you see the little baby in the water that is learning to swim?  Mama is watching it closely.We were way far away so we couldn't get a good picture.

Mommy says this is a nice place to just sit and relax.

There is even a train that runs around the park.  We were going to take Sophie on it, but it was getting a bath while we were there...next time!

Look at me!!!  I am tied up to a picnic table like a common junkyard dog.  Princesses do NOT get tied to tables!!!  I am writing my lawyer when I get through here.  I am not kiddin' either!

We did have an adventure while there.  They are working on the walkways and such around the water.  There were some ducks having fun except for one up on the sidewalk that couldn't get down to his buddies because of the orange fencing.  

 Hey guys, how did you get down there?

 Sizzie is going to hold the fence up for him...she is just that kind of person.

Ahhh, he got scared and went the other way.

So Sizzie went after him and chased him to where he could join his friends.

And they lived happily ever after.....

After we saved the duckie, we went squirrel hunting.  I found one almost immediately, of course, since I am a champion squirrel hunter.  I might have bitten off a bit more than I could chew though...she was a new mother and I was too close to her tree.  So after telling her she was lucky I was such a softie (and Mom pulling me away and telling me that squirrel would scratch my eyes out if I was perceived as a threat to her babies) we left.

Stoopid squirrel was coming down the tree after me!!!  That's when Mommy said "lets go".

So we headed home, and Sophie and I napped all the way.

Look at Sophie's sleepy face.


Sophie rested so much she went swimming when we got home.  I didn't because the water is still way too cold for a princess.

I hope you enjoyed my Girls Day Out with Sophie.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Cute take on Marti's girls day out with Sophie, Becci. I sure enjoyed it...after all, I'm a girl too! Ha!
