Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to me!!!!
My beautiful daughter made it a very special one even though a couple of month's late (my other beautiful daughter and her children had made the actual date special with cake, balloons, and their presence) . But there was a reason....she has been teasing me all along about where we are going, what we are going to do, etc. without giving me a clue of any of it....gave this super planner OCD person heart palpitations!!!
First clue was waiting on the coffee pot when I woke up:
Wake up -- the day is new
Have I got a trip in store for
Be ready to go at nine
To begin a really great time.
Off we went up the hill to new experiences with a farewell party to wish us well.
"Eloise, do we know these humans?"
"I don't think so Sally, RUN!!!"
"It's ok, girls, it's the lady from down the road, just go behind the trees, I'm watching the humans and won't let anything happen to you."
Trish had a Red Box to return so our first stop along the way was at Walgreens!! Whoop, it could only go up from here :)
We did see this little lovely piece of history as we were waiting for a light to change.
The Red Box was returned without issue and it was off for breakfast...to one of my favorites, Einstein's Bagels. Yum, haven't had one in a long time so it was a real treat.
Then this normally sane daughter of mine went a bit wacko...left Einstein's and pulled in a parking lot of an adjacent shopping center, going in circles, and acting crazy weird. Then she handed me the next clue:
Off we go to treat you like a queen
What's in store is yet to be seen
Look far
Look wide
Find yourself something inside
Something fun and classy
That makes you feel a little sassy
and there behind us was....
and their profit margin went up thanks to our purchases. Thank you, Trish for my new blouse and jacket!
So I shopped too quick and we had time to waste so we headed for a small town close to the house, Wimberley - if you haven't been, put it on your bucket list. On the way we saw Silo Glass and just HAD to stop and see what was what.
So I did find some "whats" and got doggy kisses from Grace the sweet mostly Great Dane.
On down the road to Wimberley we went for a quick stop at Kiss the Cook in order to help their profit margin (do you see a trend here?) and lunch at the Cypress Creek Cafe and Buzzard Bar - inside out chicken nachos, big enough for two with leftovers.
Then we took off for Mom's. So far so good, lots of things I love and now I get to see Mom too. I was hoping she would include a visit on the agenda. When we left Mom she handed me a third clue:
A glass of wine
A time to shine
It's your birthday time
So off to Pat's we go
Wine and laughter is what we are after.
Taking the back roads to Pat's passing fields of wildflowers...(the blue is Bluebonnets)
heading down Elderhaus Road outside Wimberley we passed big houses, small houses,and no houses....
but we finally got to MoPac and saw some beautiful Mexican Blankets.
and we finally made it to Pat's after our quick visit with Mom.
Pat offered to feed us if we didn't mind cheese and crackers to go with the wine. Well the cheese was Brie, there was also chicken salad, tomatoes, berries, and potato salad...she just happened to have those on hand. Yeah, right. Bad enough your daughter lies and connives but when your best friend does too, shaking head.
and it was delicious!
So then Pat wanted to see me model my new stuff...little sheep that I am I went and innocently put on the blouse and came out. She looked me up and down and told Trish "I don't know, but I think she needs to go out on the town." I had 30 minutes to quickly run a brush through my hair and over my teeth (different brushes) and out the door we went to who knew where. My mind is spinning - movie? Painting with a Twist? Except she was heading toward the downtown/university area. About 5 minutes before our destination she hands me the next clue:
A note
A rhythm
Nothing but a good time
You may even sing along
To your favorite song
Open the envelope and see
What is in there for us three
Breath in Breath out
Get ready to shout
Oh, good Lord, surely she isn't taking me to a Karoke bar??? My singing has brought dead cats back to life just so they can get out of range. But I plastered a smile on my face and opened the envelope that was enclosed and found (drum roll please) .
and it was delicious!
So then Pat wanted to see me model my new stuff...little sheep that I am I went and innocently put on the blouse and came out. She looked me up and down and told Trish "I don't know, but I think she needs to go out on the town." I had 30 minutes to quickly run a brush through my hair and over my teeth (different brushes) and out the door we went to who knew where. My mind is spinning - movie? Painting with a Twist? Except she was heading toward the downtown/university area. About 5 minutes before our destination she hands me the next clue:
A note
A rhythm
Nothing but a good time
You may even sing along
To your favorite song
Open the envelope and see
What is in there for us three
Breath in Breath out
Get ready to shout
Oh, good Lord, surely she isn't taking me to a Karoke bar??? My singing has brought dead cats back to life just so they can get out of range. But I plastered a smile on my face and opened the envelope that was enclosed and found (drum roll please) .
So we head to our seats in the mezzanine and the nice lady asks if we are ready for a fun night...in the conversation Trish mentions it is my birthday celebration. And she moved us....downstairs, stage right, nobody in front of us except Neil 12 feet away if that.....
(fuzzy photo due to still shaking photographer)
He sang all my favorites, looked straight at me, and I know he was blowing that kiss to me!
Alas, it had to end and we zippity doo dahed back to Pat's. Got up the next morning to this clue:
Day 2 Just for you
Say bye to Pat
There are roads anew
Something exciting waits for you.
And off we went up I-35 which gave me a pretty good clue of where we were going and I would have been so distraught had it not been what I thought it would be...but it was!
Need I say more?
Off to shop
Get ideas galore
from that cute little store
For those that don't know, Magnolia is the store of Chip and Joanna Gaines who are the stars of "Fixer Uppers" on HGTV, which just happens to be one of my favorite shows at the moment.
I will let you draw your own conclusion on whether I may or may not have paid the clerks paycheck for the next three pay periods.
There could be another bag just as heavy and as large...there could be.
We also stopped to visit with the cutest carpenter on Earth, Clint from Harp Design Co. who helps Joanna by making gorgeous tables and stuff for the finished houses she decorates.
The only reason you are seeing me is because I don't have one of him by himself. He was a nice as he was good looking.
Then we headed to other small shops where I paid those clerks salary too...hey, I had to be fair, right?
A quick stop by the river just because it is a pretty area and it called to us.
It was a beautiful day to walk the walking trails, so we did...
On a whim we decided to go to the zoo and it was an excellent decision! It was more like taking a nature trail than walking along sidewalks in a zoo. Beautifully landscaped, clean(!), shady paths, that led you the animal enclosures.
This is Mukah, the friendliest of the three orangutans in the zoo. He was born and raised in captivity so is not as wary of humans making eye contact with him as the other two.
He had his hand on the window giving the sign language sign for "I love you". Unfortunately I was unable to get a good picture due to another visitor in front of the window.
The best I could get...and we loved you too Mukah!
This little sweetheart was a bit camera shy but was cute as a button.
These guys were huge, as bad as I am at estimating measurements I tend to underestimate...but I do believe they are at least 36" long easy.
The poor guy laying down looked like he had perished getting to the drain looking for water...hopefully he was just sunbathing.
Mr. Tiger was pacing and checking the bamboo grove next to his enclosure, then turn and go check close to his house, then back to the bamboo. We figured it was getting close to feeding time.
The ropes beyond the pond are for some sort of primate. We saw the ropes but not the animals.
A beautiful zoo in a beautiful town.
The spontaneous stop at the zoo was a good one, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Well, other than the extremely rude woman taking Mukah's picture. The few photos we were able to get around her and her snotty nosed kid required massive tweaking when we got home. I have no idea what she was going to do with ten thousand identical pictures of Mukah on her phone, but I guess she did. Other than eyes, he didn't really move or change positions.
Time for another clue....I am loving these clues!!!
Kick your feet up
Sit back and relax
This B&B is what it is all about
Rock your worries away
Overnight here we will stay
Bed and Breakfast on White Rock Creek
The setting was beautiful, tucked into a small little community of neighbors who walk in the back door with a coffee cup, open their homes to the overflow guests when the B&B is full, and always have a wave as you pass.
We did get in a quick walk beside a little stream (we assume White Rock Creek) before breakfast the next morning. We chose not to try out the merry go round although it was tempting.
After a delicious breakfast we were ready to go back into town and see if we had missed any clerks needing a paycheck....yup we did, and remedied the situation. One stop was at Covet Antiques, housed in a beautiful old home with a breathtaking front door (protected inside a standard shop door).:
The designs aren't standard stained glass, they are 3D designs - wish I could have captured it like I saw it. Wow.
Assured we had taken care of the paycheck situation in Waco it was time to head out of town, and you know what that means....another clue!!!
No Passport Needed
But off to The vineyard at Florence we go
Where I hear the wine will flow
Does wine count as a serving of fruit?
(When she told me about the trip I teasingly asked her if I needed my passport and were we flying.)
Of course, Florence is quite a ways from Waco, Texas....at least an hours drive. :) Well it might take a "normal" person an hour heading up I-35 to Jarrell and over to Florence. Which we sorta did, but then meandered and found treasures along those back roads stretching that hour a bit.
Almost immediately after getting off the interstate, we spotted this precious precious baby standing by while his mama got some much needed rest.
According to my cattle ranching buddy, this fellow is about a week old. You can see the umbilical cord is still attached in other photos.
Mama got up from her nap with a look that dared us to photograph her baby boy one more time. The barbed wire did not look strong enough to hold her back if we took her dare in my opinion.
Before we left we did get one last shot of the calf with a look over his shoulder. Look at that cute little tush. I want this baby bull!!
Aunt Clara helped Mama keep a close eye on us, she just wasn't ready to give up that comfortable spot in the shade.
We took the hint and headed on down the back roads looking for something to shoot.
The stone house has no windows, time will start crumbling the stone soon, and another treasure will be no more.
The tin garage is still useable but just sits there. As long as no big wind comes up anything inside should be safe.
I wouldn't be surprised if the rusty roofed barn is still in use. Lots of barns in rural Texas look like this. I still love the look of weathered wood and rusty tin!
Wildflowers, rust and touches of weathered wood along back roads, how much better can life be?
On my right I saw lunch being served to a colt, while a couple of other horses helped themselves....
On my right I saw lunch being served to a colt, while a couple of other horses helped themselves....
and checked us in for the night!!
And this is what she checked us in to!!!!!
The villa is divided into four units, ours was the top right. The front faced the horse farm across the road, and the back looked out over the vineyard and pastures.
Looking through the doors to the balcony in back. Gorgeous!
Had to show you the shower. You could house a third world nation in there, it was huge.
Baby wine....
Off to the left were a herd of cattle wandering about. Then a cowboy came up and gently walked among them on his horse. He is on a white horse just left of the tree.
To the right is the main building that houses the wine tasting and the restaurant. We had dinner on the covered porch.
Before dinner it was BOGO night, and since Trish doesn't drink guess who got both glasses of wine. We took it out under the tree shown on the far right of the picture above and sat there communing with nature :)
The white wine was a bit drier than I like so she nicely mixed it with some sangria to sweeten it up a bit. Trust me, that was one big glass of wine by the time she got through....more like 4 glasses. Definitely time for some supper. Sitting on the patio of a Tuscan villa, looking at the rolling green hills, birds chirping, good and I mean GOOD company added to the meal.
We started with a cheese board that had salami, olives, chutney, smoked almonds, parmesan, cheddar, and another wedge of cheese to go with the fresh bread.
That was followed by a salad that we split....this is 1/2 of the salad!
After dinner, we wandered around a bit and took some random photos.
After a good nights sleep feeling like an Italian queen, we bid the vineyard goodby and headed to our next adventure. First we needed some breakfast, and where else but the local diner since I love small town diners. Off to Florence...this is what their web page says about the town.
"According to the 2010 census, Florence has a population of 1,136. Since 2000, the territorial limits of Florence has grown by 8%. Florence is located about 13 miles west from Georgetown and 40 miles north of Austin in northwestern Williamson County. The site was settled in the early 1850s and briefly called Brooksville. By 1857 it was known as Florence, when its first post office was established."
We did pass this big field of Bluebonnets
I do know they serve a heck of a breakfast at the diner
Well that was delicious, however there were back roads to explore on the way home....can't believe this is the last day.
Toodling down the road I saw something that grabbed my interest. Trish caught me twisting around to look at it and immediately took the next turn. That was a lucky turn because we found this....
Talk about a graphic picture of rural Texas...church, farm equipment and not seen in this picture yappy little dogs chasing chickens all on the back roads.
These little guys were intent on chicken for dinner until they saw us, then they became vicious warrior guard dogs (as long as we were properly terrified - grin).
I could have thrown this one in the car to be a brother or sister to Marti, way too cute to be a warrior.
This one was cute too, but I had already fallen for the little red one (who was closer in looks to Marti). He appeared to be the back up warrior.
We played their game and left without telling them we were through with pictures, we just let them believe we were scared to death.
I did hide behind the car and snapped the field of wildflowers on the other side of the road.
This is what had caught my attention in the first place. The sign reads "Liberty Hill Cafe".
We kept going and came into Andice and stopped by the Andice Cemetery to appease the ghoul in me.
Infant of
Born & Died
Aug. 24 1900
Budded on Earth to
Bloom in Heaven
Wife of
J. R. Dean
Dec. 21 1852
Jan. 30 1880
The Thomas Hanks stone was in line with the W. J. Keating stone, almost at the bottom of Keating's gravesite. To the right of these two stones for the length of where I am taking the picture to the stones are several small tablets marked Unknown with a number. The highest I found was 117. Makes me wonder.
After paying our respects we headed on into Austin - I'm thinking we are stopping to see Mom or having lunch with Pat - I'm such a trusting soul or a boring one.
Final clue was given
I lied
We will fly
But not like you think
Did your heart just sink?
No jumping
Just lots of heart thumping
2 flights for
Begins at noon.
I looked up and saw this in front of me
So to backtrack a bit....as long as I can remember I have wanted to sky dive. I married a pilot and made a deal with him that I wouldn't sky dive if he wouldn't pilot helicopters. He stuck to his word, so I have stuck to mine. This is as near to it as I can get without breaking that promise.
This is the empty tube that is to become my sky.
Flying with the help of Yoko. I can not tell you what a thrill this was, I was in Heaven. And then.....
they took me spinning to the top and back down....and then.....they did it again!!! Talk about flying high!!!!
That was the ending to the most perfect few days I have ever spent. There are not words to tell my daughter how special and loved I felt...and still feel. She hit all the things I love, Neil, Mom, Pat, shopping, the Gaines, wine, B&B's, small town diners, cemeteries, and the grand finale of soaring.
Their dad did a fabulous job of raising loving, giving, and special children!
And this is what she checked us in to!!!!!
The villa is divided into four units, ours was the top right. The front faced the horse farm across the road, and the back looked out over the vineyard and pastures.
Looking through the doors to the balcony in back. Gorgeous!
Had to show you the shower. You could house a third world nation in there, it was huge.
Baby wine....
Off to the left were a herd of cattle wandering about. Then a cowboy came up and gently walked among them on his horse. He is on a white horse just left of the tree.
To the right is the main building that houses the wine tasting and the restaurant. We had dinner on the covered porch.
Before dinner it was BOGO night, and since Trish doesn't drink guess who got both glasses of wine. We took it out under the tree shown on the far right of the picture above and sat there communing with nature :)
The white wine was a bit drier than I like so she nicely mixed it with some sangria to sweeten it up a bit. Trust me, that was one big glass of wine by the time she got through....more like 4 glasses. Definitely time for some supper. Sitting on the patio of a Tuscan villa, looking at the rolling green hills, birds chirping, good and I mean GOOD company added to the meal.
We started with a cheese board that had salami, olives, chutney, smoked almonds, parmesan, cheddar, and another wedge of cheese to go with the fresh bread.
That was followed by a salad that we split....this is 1/2 of the salad!
After dinner, we wandered around a bit and took some random photos.
After a good nights sleep feeling like an Italian queen, we bid the vineyard goodby and headed to our next adventure. First we needed some breakfast, and where else but the local diner since I love small town diners. Off to Florence...this is what their web page says about the town.
"According to the 2010 census, Florence has a population of 1,136. Since 2000, the territorial limits of Florence has grown by 8%. Florence is located about 13 miles west from Georgetown and 40 miles north of Austin in northwestern Williamson County. The site was settled in the early 1850s and briefly called Brooksville. By 1857 it was known as Florence, when its first post office was established."
We did pass this big field of Bluebonnets
I do know they serve a heck of a breakfast at the diner

Well that was delicious, however there were back roads to explore on the way home....can't believe this is the last day.
Toodling down the road I saw something that grabbed my interest. Trish caught me twisting around to look at it and immediately took the next turn. That was a lucky turn because we found this....
Talk about a graphic picture of rural Texas...church, farm equipment and not seen in this picture yappy little dogs chasing chickens all on the back roads.
These little guys were intent on chicken for dinner until they saw us, then they became vicious warrior guard dogs (as long as we were properly terrified - grin).
I could have thrown this one in the car to be a brother or sister to Marti, way too cute to be a warrior.
This one was cute too, but I had already fallen for the little red one (who was closer in looks to Marti). He appeared to be the back up warrior.
We played their game and left without telling them we were through with pictures, we just let them believe we were scared to death.
I did hide behind the car and snapped the field of wildflowers on the other side of the road.
This is what had caught my attention in the first place. The sign reads "Liberty Hill Cafe".
We kept going and came into Andice and stopped by the Andice Cemetery to appease the ghoul in me.
Infant of
Born & Died
Aug. 24 1900
Budded on Earth to
Bloom in Heaven
Wife of
J. R. Dean
Dec. 21 1852
Jan. 30 1880
The Thomas Hanks stone was in line with the W. J. Keating stone, almost at the bottom of Keating's gravesite. To the right of these two stones for the length of where I am taking the picture to the stones are several small tablets marked Unknown with a number. The highest I found was 117. Makes me wonder.
After paying our respects we headed on into Austin - I'm thinking we are stopping to see Mom or having lunch with Pat - I'm such a trusting soul or a boring one.
Final clue was given
I lied
We will fly
But not like you think
Did your heart just sink?
No jumping
Just lots of heart thumping
2 flights for
Begins at noon.
I looked up and saw this in front of me
So to backtrack a bit....as long as I can remember I have wanted to sky dive. I married a pilot and made a deal with him that I wouldn't sky dive if he wouldn't pilot helicopters. He stuck to his word, so I have stuck to mine. This is as near to it as I can get without breaking that promise.
This is the empty tube that is to become my sky.
Flying with the help of Yoko. I can not tell you what a thrill this was, I was in Heaven. And then.....
they took me spinning to the top and back down....and then.....they did it again!!! Talk about flying high!!!!
That was the ending to the most perfect few days I have ever spent. There are not words to tell my daughter how special and loved I felt...and still feel. She hit all the things I love, Neil, Mom, Pat, shopping, the Gaines, wine, B&B's, small town diners, cemeteries, and the grand finale of soaring.
Their dad did a fabulous job of raising loving, giving, and special children!
Hello, Becci!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a fantastic birthday gift Trish gave to you! Your pictures & commentary are great and I enjoyed going along with you two!
I second what Marge said---what a gift !
I sure wish that I could have been with you, but your photos and wonderful words were the next best thing!! Wow!! I love all of those things and places and that tv show with Chip and Joanna is one of my very favorites too! I'd love to visit their store!! That was a fabulous gift to your sweet Mom, Trish!! Loved it all!