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Back Road Whispers is a fanciful name for just liking to travel the back roads of the world, wondering what whispers are lingering in the weathered buildings, rusty farm equipment and closed and boarded up businesses. I stop when I am able and “photograph the past for the future” so my grandchildren and their grandchildren will see what it was like back in the “good old days” of the 20th and early 21st century. Lately I have been exploring the world listening to whispers from palaces, castles, villages, and museums. The whispers need no interpretation.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


High on top of a hill lies Marksburg Castle.  Continually lived in for over 700 years, it is the only "hill" castle that has never been destroyed.  Today it is the headquarters for the German Castles Association, who preserve and protect castles and stately homes.  We took the tour while in Koblenz and oh so glad we did.  The little girl in me came out as we walked into a real live castle...kept waiting for my knight in shining armor to appear, and then realized I had been married to him for 40 years.

The doorway on the left led to a great huge area with very rough stone floors and very wide stairs, "Riders Stairway" as you can see on the right.  Reason?  Horses came in through that door and on those steps.  Gosh I gripe about dog hair and puppy training mistakes?

Outside steps leading up to the top of the castle walls....looking for enemies sneaking up?

Think they would be able to see if 
anyone was coming from the
left or the right.  

And if they were being threatened, this baby would probably deter any serious attempts.  It is one of several that are aimed at the Rhine.  The cannons were differentiated by the weight as 6 pounders or 12 pounders and could protect the entire Rhine frontage with a range of about 1000 meters (conversion is 1.09 yards to 1 meter - if my lousy math is right, that is 10 football fields).  They did not say how accurate the cannons were at that range though.  The oldest portion of the Great Battery was built in 1589, the latest portion was built in 1711. 

If for some reason the bad guys did get by and got close enough to try to come through a gate, there was a machicolation above the third gate, Notches Gate.  The small balcony was used to throw stones onto advancing troops, ticking them off royally since they were small boulders. 

Around the Rhinezwinger (Upper Bailey) is two herb gardens.  Although the majority of the 150 different plants are either for seasoning or for medicinal purposes, some were used by witches, and a couple were highly toxic.

Don't ask, cause I don't know, but they
were sure pretty.

OK, lets go inside...lots to see in here. Including the armor....

Being the knights in shining armor that they were, they made sure their ladies were protected too...

Can you believe this??????  Talk about a yeast infection....

Since the ladies couldn't do much else, they tended house, or would that be tended castle???

She could spend her mornings spinning wool;
then spend her afternoons weaving it.

The knights and other male members of the family would be hungry after fighting dragons and other assorted bad guys and would come in for a meal.

 Perhaps she would fix them some duck, since we all have ducks hanging around the kitchen ready to be plucked.

A quick trip to the pantry for the necessary oils and herbs to bring out the subtle taste of ripened waterfowl.

Taking the necessary food items she would head to the kitchen island to prepare the meal.

And cook it in her state-of-the art stove.

And finally on to the china hutch for the everyday dishes to serve

Bon Apetit!

Entertainment provided by  Fair Maiden Damsels

Finally the day is over and it is time to get some sleep.  Into the cold bed chamber goeth thou, to be tucked in behind velvet curtains that are there to keep the night's chill out.

However the nights are cold in those castles, don'tcha know, so we all need a servant to sit on a hard stool all night long outside the backdoor of the fireplace to keep the fires burning....

So I'm off to enjoy the present day....see you at some point.

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