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Back Road Whispers is a fanciful name for just liking to travel the back roads of the world, wondering what whispers are lingering in the weathered buildings, rusty farm equipment and closed and boarded up businesses. I stop when I am able and “photograph the past for the future” so my grandchildren and their grandchildren will see what it was like back in the “good old days” of the 20th and early 21st century. Lately I have been exploring the world listening to whispers from palaces, castles, villages, and museums. The whispers need no interpretation.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


 Just down the road a piece, as we say in Texas, is Lost Maples State Park.  We aren't the Adirondacks in the fall, but if we need to see some fall colors we head to Lost Maples. 

A little further down the road and you come to Easter Island and Stonehenge - HUH?????  Seriously you do!  I have heard they have since moved it intact but when we visited it was sitting right there in the middle of a field.

 On the left is the rock that started it all, and the arch the guys built behind it.

On the right are two handsome hunks giving you an idea of how large this thing is...pretty impressive if you ask me...oh and the rocks too.

     Such cool dudes.....

We passed by Boot Hill going to Bandera Pass and on this teeny tiny road I was traveling we got stopped by a red light!!!  They were doing some sort of road work cleaning up after some flooding and instead of a flagger they had a portable traffic signal.  Got a nice look at the Guadelupe while we were stopped at least.

The whole fence line was like this, I'll bet there were 40-50 boots.

 One red light I didn't mind stopping for....

I'll see you on the back roads....

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